APS Type 1 Foundation

Please help us by supporting The APS Type 1 Foundation, which is recognized as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. It is managed by an all-volunteer board comprised of six APS-1 parents, including Robin. The key mission of the foundation is to fund medical research to find a cure for APS-1. Since the cause of APS-1 is a defect in a single gene, called the AutoImmune REgulator gene (AIRE for short), medical research into this rare disorder holds significant promise for a break-through in other more common conditions, including Type 1 Diabetes. A companion mission of the foundation is to promote awareness of the condition with the hope (among others) of shortening the time to find a proper diagnosis. In our case, it took nearly 6 months to discover that the cause of Samantha’s repeated seizures was a severely low serum calcium level. Then, it took another 4 years to find the cause of the calcium problem. Our case is all too common. The average time from the first symptoms to actual diagnosis is a staggering ten years.


© 2020 All donations benefit The APS Type 1 Foundation.